Jared Rennick, Peter Kuster, James Reynolds
In this episode, we kick off the show with a FastBreak Update and look at two nationally ranked Drury wrestlers: (#6) Jared Rennick and (#8) Peter Kuster were here, along with their coach James Reynolds in his fourth season at Drury. Best of luck to all of the Drury Wrestlers as they get ready for Regionals.
Teri, Jackson, and Christian Cantwell
We were then joined by former Olympians Christian and Teri Cantwell, and their son, Jackson. During our discussion we looked into their journey at the Olympics and with sports and how they are now integrating those valued characteristics into their parenting. Using sports as part of their family culture, the Cantwell’s have developed a strong bond in an out of the shot-put ring. Their experience at the national and world levels have prepared them for success in life. Now they enjoy and embrace the path that Jackson is traveling as he soars to the top of the charts in his own right winning the National Championship in the shot put in his age division!
Next week, we continue our Sports Families series! If you have a family that you feel has been generationally successful and should be profiled on the show, email us at acoachsperspective@gmail.com